Cuckoo Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN7 6QE
Tel: 01302 840200 (Lower) 01302 842164 (upper)

Travis St Lawrence CE Primary School

Year 5

A warm welcome to Year 5.


Year 5 is made up of two classes taught by Mr Heyes and Mrs McCarthy.

Miss Hainsworth will be working within the Y5 unit.

Mr Heyes: Most of my teaching experience has been in Upper Key Stage Two and this is where I feel at home. I am passionate about creativity and really tapping into children's personal interests. For me, having the opportunity to challenge children and allowing them to achieve more than they could ever imagine is a dream come true. My particular interests include reading, writing, languages and the arts and I also adore sports. I am spontaneous, full of energy and love to laugh. I have been here for a number of years now and am very excited as to where our newly-developed curriculum is taking us.


Mrs McCarthy: I have been teaching for over 12 years and have taught in KS1 and KS2 but predominantly KS2. I am a dedicated and passionate teacher who enjoys being creative to encourage and develop children's learning inside and outside of the classroom.  I love teaching mathematics, history and geography and enjoy finding creative ways to put learning into context and make it memorable.



Please try to read with your child at least three times a week and record it using the online system: Boom Reader. This can be the school banded book or one of the Year 5 recommended reads. It is important to check that, as well as becoming more fluent, the children understand what they are reading, especially as they begin to read longer and more complex books. This can be done by discussing the book afterwards, or during reading. Talk about the characters, setting or main events. Encourage children to develop empathy by focusing on characters' emotions and motivations and summarising the pages they have just read.

It is important that your child has their reading book in school every day so that adults within school can also record in them. 

We encourage a love for reading and aim for our children to be lifelong readers. The children are encouraged to read and enjoy the books in our book area within the school day. Children are welcome to bring their own reading book from home as long as it is of an appropriate level for them to read and enjoy independently. Children will be able to independently change their reading books to take home each morning during our Early Bird sessions. 


 Home Learning Logs

At the beginning of each topic, you will be given a knowledge organiser which will have key facts and vocabulary to help with the any home learning activities and learning within school. You will also be given a home learning menu of activities to complete at home. These are created by the Year 5 team to cover different areas of the curriculum in a fun and engaging way.




Spelling lessons in school will focus on the spelling rules/patterns investigated and learning common exception words. We are now following the exciting and engaging Read Write Inc. spelling programme daily.

Areas that are covered include:

  • words with silent letter b
  • words ending in -ible
  • words ending in -able
  • words with silent letter t
  • words ending in -ibly and -ably
  • words ending in -ent
  • words ending in -ence
  • ee sound spelt ei
  • words ending in -ant, -ance and -ancy
  • words ending in shus spelt -cious
  • words ending in shus spelt -tious
  • words ending in shul spelt -cial or -tial


 Spellings are best worked on little and often: 5 or 10 minutes every day is more beneficial than one long session. It is also very helpful if you can encourage your child to apply the spellings in context by writing a few sentences using these words and, of course, using new or unfamiliar words in conversation.


Please make sure that children come to school wearing their PE kits on a Wednesday and Friday. 

Outdoor PE will be on a Friday afternoon

Indoor PE will be on a Wednesday afternoon 

Swimming lessons will take place weekly, in the Late Spring/ Summer Term (TBC).



In addition to our daily Maths Mastery lessons, we will have a daily Maths Meeting which is a fifteen minute meeting focusing on consolidating key learning and short arithmetic lessons throughout the week.

Times Tables Rock Stars is a fun away for children consolidate their times tables. Please encourage your child to log in little and often which will help children become fluent. Children are expected to know and recall all their times tables facts up to 12 x 12.  


Autumn term:

  • Reasoning with large whole integers 
  • Integer addition and subtraction
  • Line graphs and timetables
  • Multiplication and division
  • Perimeter and area

Spring term:

  • Fractions and decimals
  • Angles
  • Fractions and percentages
  • Transformations

Summer term:

  • Converting units of measure
  • Calculating whole numbers and decimals
  • 2D and 2D shape
  • Volume
  • Problem solving 



Writing and Grammar

In Year 5, our writing will most often link to our termly topic and over the year, we will produce a range of writing styles across various subjects. Through English, children will learn the grammar concepts that they will need to be successful writers; teaching will cover previously-learned content and new material and terminology. Children will have many opportunities to apply and practise various written features through fiction and non-fiction writing and the expectations are for them to become more confident when constructing sentences and structuring and organising their work. Handwriting is taught x3 per week and we follow the Martin Harvey Scheme; spelling sessions are taught daily through our Read Write Inc scheme and children can apply their knowledge to their own writing. Editing and redrafting are essential elements in our lesson sequences and children will be taught how to improve their work so they can become more independent when making written choices. Those pupils who produce neat, cursive, legible handwriting across all subjects can go on to receive a pen license. There will be many opportunities throughout the year to publish work creatively and ultimately, through our approach, we aim to to develop children's passion and confidence in this subject. Writing is assessed daily and independent, longer pieces of work are moderated across the school. 



During the Autumn Term, we will be exploring, reflecting and making connections using our focus questions below:

God What does it mean if God is loving and Holy?

Pupils will know that:
• Christians believe God is omnipotent, omniscient and eternal, and that this means God is worth worshipping.
• Christians believe God is both holy and loving, and Christians have to balance ideas of God being angered by sin and
injustice (see Fall) but also loving, forgiving, and full of grace. 

• Christians do not all agree about what God is like, but try to follow his path, as they see it in the Bible
or through Church teaching.
• Christians believe getting to know God is like getting to know a person rather than learning information.

Creation /Fall Creation and science: conflicting or complementary? 

Pupils will know that:
• There is much debate and some controversy around the relationship between the accounts of creation in Genesis and contemporary scientific accounts.
• These debates and controversies relate to the purpose and interpretation of the texts. For example, does reading Genesis as a poetic account conflict with scientific accounts?
• There are many scientists throughout history and now who are Christians.
• The discoveries of science make Christians wonder even more about the power and majesty of the Creator.

Incarnation Was Jesus the Messiah?

Pupils will know that:
• Jesus was Jewish.
• Christians believe Jesus is God in the flesh.
• They believe that his birth, life, death and resurrection were part of a longer plan by God to restore
the relationship between humans and God.
• The Old Testament talks about a ‘rescuer’ or ‘anointed one’ — a messiah. Some texts talk about what this ‘messiah’ would be like.
• Christians believe that Jesus fulfilled these expectations, and that he is the Messiah. (Jewish people do not think Jesus is the Messiah.)
• Christians see Jesus as their Saviour.