Cuckoo Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN7 6QE
Tel: 01302 840200 (Lower) 01302 842164 (upper)

Travis St Lawrence CE Primary School


PE at Travis St Lawrence CE Primary School plays an important part in the curriculum and all pupils have the opportunity to undertake two hours of PE each week. We use our PE lessons to cover the six main areas of the National Curriculum (dance, gymnastics, games, swimming, athletics and outdoor and adventurous activities). Swimming is also provided for our children as part of the KS2 curriculum.

Alongside their curriculum entitlement, children are also given opportunity to participate in after school sports clubs offered at different times throughout the year and are given the chance to take part in local and county sports festivals and competitions. As a school, we have enjoyed much success when competing at county, regional and national level and our children are proud to represent their school and compete against others. 

We want our PE curriculum to provide children with time to develop disciplinary and substantive knowledge but also to encourage fun, confidence, cooperation and resilience and promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Our PE curriculum leader and Sports Leader are very passionate about children taking part in the PE curriculum and extra-curricular activities and promote the values of Physical Education. 



We aim to inspire all children and for each child to fulfil their potential. We want the children’s experience of PE to be positive and motivating. PE enables pupils to become physically confident. This supports their health, wellbeing and fitness and provides the foundations for lifelong activity.

We want them to succeed and excel in competitive sport and physical activities. We offer all children chances to compete in sport and other activities. This helps them build character and learn values such as fairness and respect. Through PE, we develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. They build confidence and competence in a range of activities.



Each child receives 2 hours of PE a week with Class teachers. We plan their sessions to cover a broad and full range of skills and activities. Children in key stage 2 attend swimming lessons in a local pool. They learn to swim 25 metres competently and confidently in a

range of strokes. Children also have the chance to be active in wide range of clubs.

We teach in a way that children:

*  have fun and experience success in sport

* can join in at their own level of development

* build and secure a range of skills

* develop good sporting attitudes

* understand basic rules

* experience positive competition

* learn in a safe environment



Our curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:

*  develop their fundamental movement skills

*  improve their agility, balance and coordination

* lead and join in PE games with growing confidence, developing their speaking and listening skills

* learn useful PE vocabulary

* enjoy fitness and understand the importance of good diet and exercise



All children receive a broad and balanced PE curriculum. Every child will access the all the key areas of the subject. Teachers plan PE with clear progression of skills and knowledge. This ensures that all children access it at an age-appropriate level.

We also hold daily opportunities for physical activity. These include playground games at lunchtimes. The children can also take part in competitions against other local schools.



In the Early Years Foundation Stage, children begin to improve their movement skills. Teachers

begin to develop their agility, balance and coordination.


Key stage 1

Pupils develop their movement skills. They extend their agility, balance and coordination. They

engage in competitive and cooperative physical activities. These include games, dance and



Key stage 2

Pupils continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills such as running, jumping, throwing

and catching. They use these skills in competitive games and performances. They also evaluate

their own and others’ work.

Pupils communicate and collaborate with each other. They learn how to improve in physical

activities. There are many chances for children to take part in competitions in school and against

other schools. We celebrate their successes.


Cross curricular links

Wherever possible, we make meaningful links to other areas of the curriculum. These links relate

to children’s physical and mental wellbeing.


Link to National Curriculum:


Please see below our PE Policy.