Cuckoo Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN7 6QE
Tel: 01302 840200 (Lower) 01302 842164 (upper)

Travis St Lawrence CE Primary School


Travis St Lawrence CE Primary School is committed to providing high quality educational experiences for all pupils. At the heart of everything that we do lies our vision for education.

“We all belong, believe, learn and achieve."

At Travis St Lawrence, our personal, social, health and relationship education (PSHRE) curriculum brings together healthy relationships, social responsibility and personal well-being, while promoting fundamental British values. Through a sequential approach we encourage our children to be courageous learners enabling them with the opportunity to develop themselves in the world in which we live.

Although PSHRE is taught through discreet lessons, it is also integrated into all activities, assemblies, educational visits and extra-curricular clubs. There are frequent opportunities provided in school which encompass PSHRE education, including (but not limited to) sports tournaments, celebration assemblies, Year 6 attending Crucial Crew, our sport leaders, house ambassadors and our prayer leaders.

It is intended that we will offer an aspirational, cohesive whole-school approach which inspires our children to achieve their full potential, whilst empowering them to be healthy, independent and responsible members of society.

When designing our PSHRE curriculum we consulted with our children, parents, teachers and school community. Identifying exactly what our children need to flourish in an every changing world. To support curriculum implementation we use resources from the PSHE Association and link with Mental Health England. Our curriculum covers key topics, physical health, mental health, growing and changing, personal safety, relationships and sex education, bullying and discrimination, media and digital literacy, money and work and community and responsibility.

Our PSHRE lead regularly addresses the needs of our children and provides teachers with the resources that they need to help all children flourish.


Our PSHRE curriculum:

  • Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society;
  • Prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.


At Travis St Lawrence, we choose to deliver Personal, Social, Health and Relationship Education using Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHRE.

Objectives/Pupil learning intentions:

Jigsaw PSHE will support the development of the skills, attitudes, values and behaviour, which enable pupils to:

  • Have a sense of purpose
  • Value self and others
  • Form relationships
  • Make and act on informed decisions
  • Communicate effectively
  • Work with others
  • Respond to challenge
  • Be an active partner in their own learning
  • Be active citizens within the local community
  • Explore issues related to living in a democratic society
  • Become healthy and fulfilled individuals

 PSHRE Curriculum Policy


Please click here for access to the PSHE national curriculum. 



Relationship and Health Education (RHE):

Following DfE guidance (2019) and in consultation with parents, carers, governors and staff the below outlines the Relationship Education content for each year group. The consultation process involved a series of meetings/communications to ensure that all stakeholders had the opportunity to have an input. In person meetings were held, where governors, parents, carers and staff members attended to discuss the proposed content of our RHE curriculum before agreeing on a curriculum that we felt best suited our pupils. This was then shared further through a draft policy and questionnaire with the wider community via email to include those that were unable to the meeting - governors, parents, carers and staff members. Feedback was received before the final version of our policy was published.

Our agreed RHE curriculum includes: 



Family life; making friends; falling out and making up; being a good friend; dealing with bullying; growing up -how have I changed from baby to now; bodies (NOT including names of sexual parts); respecting my body and looking after it e.g. personal hygiene.



Recognising bullying and how to deal with it; celebrating differences between people; making new friends; belonging to a family; being a good friend; physical contact preferences; people who help us; qualities as a friend and person; celebrating people who are special to me; life cycles – animal and human; changes in me; changes since being a baby; differences between female and male bodies (correct terminology: penis, vagina, testicles, vulva); respecting my body and understand which parts are private.



Assumptions and stereotypes about gender; understanding bullying; standing up for self and others; making new friends; gender diversity; celebrating difference and remaining friends; learning with others; group co-operation; different types of family; physical contact boundaries; friendship and conflict; secrets (including those that might worry us);trust and appreciation; expressing appreciation for special relationships; life cycles in nature; growing from young to old; increasing independence; differences in female and male bodies (correct terminology); assertiveness; appreciate that some parts of my body are private.



Seeing things from others’ perspectives; Families and their differences; family conflict and how to manage it (child-centred); witnessing bullying and how to solve it; homophobic bullying; recognising how words can be hurtful; giving and receiving compliments; respect for myself and others; healthy and safe choices; family roles and responsibilities; friendship and negotiation; keeping safe online and who to go to for help; being aware of how my choices affect others; awareness of how other children have different lives; expressing appreciation for family and friends; how babies grow; understanding a baby’s needs; family stereotypes.



Challenging assumptions; judging by appearance; accepting self and others; understanding influences; understanding bullying including the role of the bystander; problem-solving in relationships; identifying how special and unique everyone is; first impressions; working in a group; celebrating contributions of others; healthier friendships; group dynamics; assertiveness; peer pressure; celebrating inner strength; jealousy; love and loss; memories of loved ones; getting on and falling out; girlfriends and boyfriends; showing appreciation to people and animals; being unique; confidence in change; accepting change.



Cultural differences and how they can cause conflict; racism; rumours and name-calling; types of bullying; enjoying and respecting other cultures; body image; self-recognition and self-worth; building self-esteem; safer online communities; rights and responsibilities online; online gaming and gambling; reducing screen time; dangers of online grooming;

SMARRT internet safety rules; Self and body image; influence of online and media on

body image; puberty for girls; puberty for boys; having a baby (simple explanation of conception); growing responsibility; coping with change.



Children’s universal rights; feeling welcome and valued; choices, consequences and

rewards; group dynamics; democracy, having a voice; anti-social behaviour; role-modelling; perceptions of normality; understanding disability; understanding what transgender means; power struggles; understanding bullying; inclusion/exclusion; difference as conflict; difference as celebration; empathy; exploitation, including ‘county-lines’ and gang culture; love and loss; managing feelings; power and control; assertiveness; technology safety; responsibility with technology use; self-image, body image; puberty and feelings; conception to birth; reflections about change; physical attraction; respect and consent; boyfriends/girlfriends; sexting.


Please click here for the national RSE curriculum. 

Withdrawal from lessons

Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from Sex Education provided at school except for those parts included in statutory National Curriculum Science and that included within Statutory Relationships and Health Education. Those parents/carers wishing to exercise this right are invited in to see the head teacher and/or Jigsaw Lead in school who will explore any concerns and discuss any impact that withdrawal may have on the child. Once a child has been withdrawn, they cannot take part in the specific sex education lessons until the request for withdrawal has been removed. Parents and carers cannot withdraw from any aspect of Relationships and Health Education lessons covering the changing adolescent body (puberty).